Science Fiction series
in Progress

On a distant planet, hidden in the shadow of an unexplored star, began the adventure of twelve Amazonian warriors. Their mission was clear: to locate and monitor the Crashers, a feared pirate-like group. However, fate had other plans. A magnetic storm struck their spaceship, forcing an emergency landing on the planet's harsh terrain. The sky was ominously red as the warriors climbed out of the wreckage. The air was thick and smelled of metal and danger. They knew they were not alone. The planet, as uninhabited as it might seem, was certainly not without its perils. Either the harsh environment or possibly the Crashers living there would make their stay difficult.
Together, they formed a circle, their gazes determined and vigilant. Their leader, Susann, with a sharp mind and unwavering courage, spoke first: "We're here to find the Crashers. But first, we need to survive." With these words, they began their exploration, ready to face the challenges this alien planet had in store for them.