Science Fiction - Science Fiction Bücher und Filme von Barry Redhead

Science Fiction

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Science Fiction Main Actress in Paradise 4.0
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Science Fiction

in Progress

"43 / 53" tells the gripping story of Joanna, a visionary leader of a tech corporation that develops crucial components for spacecraft, catering to both government and private space ventures. With Earth on the brink of collapse, Joanna spearheads an expedition to an Earth-like planet, hoping to find a new home for humanity. However, her efforts are threatened by industrial spies determined to uncover the secrets of her space project. To protect her enterprise, she hires a former professional assassin who uses unconventional methods to safeguard her company's secrets. At the same time, she battles a corrupt politician trying to place obstacles in her path and steal essential space technology secrets.

Chaos reigns on Earth, yet the first ship with settlers is already en route to the new planet, unaware of the problems encountered by the research team there. The research findings are misleading and raise doubts about the feasibility of colonizing the new planet.

Time is running out as humanity on Earth faces doom due to resource shortages, wars, and the complete lack of resolve to fix Earth's issues. There is no turning back for the settlers.
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